5 Bladder Infection Symptoms to Look Out For


The percentage of women who experience a bladder infection is around 50% to 60%. In fact, women are much more likely to experience a bladder infection than men.  But regardless of who is more likely to get it, it’s important to know when you have a bladder infection that can lead to delirium and other … Continued

Cold Prevention: 5 Key Ways to Prevent the Common Cold


Every year, almost one in ten Americans suffer from a cold during the winter. The common cold affects so many of us each year, it can appear impossible to avoid. But, there are quite a few tried and tested methods of cold prevention. Check out our 5 key ways for how to fight the common cold … Continued

Flu vs Cold: What’s the Difference?


It’s time to stock up on tissues and chicken noodle soup. As the weather starts to cool, flu and cold season are blowing in, too. Regardless of the season, people get sick year-round. The common cold is often the top reason kids miss school. While adults get a cold two to three times a year, children … Continued

What is an Unsafe Fever Temperature for Kids? 5 Facts


Parenthood is without a doubt one of the greatest roles women and men get to play in life. Kids help you relive your childhood and teach you how to love again. That’s why it breaks your heart when they don’t feel well. Colds and runny noses are part of the process. And you need to … Continued

Should You Get Antibiotics for UTI? How to Get Your UTI Treated


If you’re a woman, you have a good chance of getting a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in your life. If you’ve already had one, you may be at risk of getting another. But men can get UTIs too. UTIs are extremely common. They’re a result of bacteria entering the urethra and taking … Continued

Stay Cool and Stay Safe: The Top Water Safety Tips


About 10 people die every day in the U.S. because of unintentional drownings. That’s according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The same data show that 80 percent of all drowning victims are male and that drowning is the second leading cause of death for children ages 14 and under. Thousands … Continued

Common Heat Stroke Symptoms And When To Seek Medical Attention


Get ready for the heat this summer. While you can and should enjoy time outdoors enjoying the sunshine, you also need to be aware of the dangers of heat stroke. Being vigilant about this condition can save your life or the lives of people you love. You need to be particularly mindful of heat stroke … Continued

How to Remove a Glass Splinter or Broken Glass from Your Foot


Suppose something goes wrong and you actually do get cut or get a glass splinter. How do you deal with that, especially if it’s in your foot? How are you supposed to remove a glass splinter? The good news is that we’re here to help. We’ll give you some advice on how to remove a … Continued

5 Reasons Why You Should Get the Flu Shot This Winter


There tends to be a lot of confusion surrounding flu season because each year it can be a little different. It’s natural to have questions about flu season, and your doctor or healthcare provider can be an important resource in guiding you through. One thing that everyone should know about flu season is the importance of … Continued

Food Poisoning vs. Stomach Flu: How to Tell the Difference


Are you experiencing pain in your abdomen? You could be one of the 48 million people who experience food poisoning in America each year. Or, you could be one of the 100 million Americans who get stomach flu every year. How do you know whether you have food poisoning or stomach flu? The symptoms of … Continued