‘Tis but a Flesh Wound: When to Go to the Doctor About a Cut

bad cut


Nobody likes to imagine worst-case scenarios happening in real life, but accidents can happen to anyone.

If you or a loved one ever gets a bad cut, learning how to assess the situation can help you figure out what needs to be done to treat the wound.

Have you ever wondered how you can tell the difference between cuts that can be treated at home and cuts that need immediate medical attention? Keep reading to learn about different types of cuts you should always get checked out by a doctor.

1. Your Cut Is Located on Your Face

Even if you think that a cut on your face can heal on its own, that doesn’t mean it will heal without leaving a noticeable scar. If you don’t want to risk facial scarring, it’s always wise to get your wound checked by a doctor to see if stitches can reduce the risk.

2. The Wound Won’t Stop Bleeding

Once you get a cut, you should rinse the wound and apply pressure with a clean bandage or cloth. If you notice that your cut won’t stop bleeding after several minutes of applying pressure, you may need stitches to close the wound.

3. Your Cut Came from a Dirty Object

Did you step on a nail or a piece of broken glass outdoors? If so, your cut could be filled with harmful bacteria, animal feces, or even tetanus. A doctor will be able to clean your wound and give you any shots or medication you may need to fight off serious illnesses.

4. An Animal Bit You

Animals’ mouths are loaded with bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms. Your risk of infection is even higher if you get bitten by an animal with long teeth, like a cat, because bacteria gets pushed deeper into your skin and won’t flush out as easily.

5. The Cut Is Deep or Reveals Inner Tissues

Depending on where you got cut, your wound may be big or deep enough to reveal inner tissues. If you see bone, tendons, or muscle, you need to get immediate help from a doctor to avoid infection and mobility issues after the wound heals.

6. You Have an Older Infected Cut

Lots of people wonder, “Is my cut infected or just healing?” Understanding how to know if a cut is infected can help you figure out if you need professional medical care to resolve the issue. Swelling, expanding redness, tenderness, yellow or green pus, and fever are all signs that your cut isn’t healing on its own.

Do You Need Help Treating a Bad Cut?

Getting a bad cut can be a scary experience. Doing your best to stay calm and assess the situation can help you decide if you can treat the cut on your own or if you need to see a doctor.

If you need medical care after getting a cut, Starkville State Urgent Care would love to treat you. Contact us to learn more about our wound care services and how we can help.